How to Import Our Divi Layout Pack?


Step 1 : Folder Structure of any layoutpack layout

After buy you can found zip file so please unzip that file and you can see one of our layout pack folder like below is DiviLawyer

Main Product Files
How to Import Our Divi Layout Pack
Supplementary Product Files
How to Import Our Divi Layout Pack

Step 2 (Optional) : Import Post and Project Data

You can add post and project data manually as per your content OR you can add both post and project dummy data below way.

Step 3 (Optional) : Import Widget Data

You can use by default widgets OR you can delete old widget data and import widget data using plugin Widget Importer & Exporter Plugin.

Step 4:  Import Divi Lawyer Layout or any other our layoutpack layout in DIVI LIBRARY


Go to Dashboard –>  Divi  –>  Divi Library –>  Click On “Import & Export” Button

How to Import Our Divi Layout Pack


How to Import Our Divi Layout Pack

After click on button you will see below and select “Import” Tab

Have added “DiviBuilderLayouts_All_DiviLawyer.json” File.

Step 5 : Import Divi Lawyer Theme Builder Layout or any other our layoutpack theme builder layout in DIVI Theme Builder

After  “Import”  you can see “DiviBuilderLayouts_All_DiviLawyer.json” Data

Step 6: Create Pages

Go to Pages.
After import divi layout and theme builder layout now need to create pages.

Step 7: Create Menu and Set Home Page

Step 8: How to Change Pages Contents?

Step 9: How to Change Header and Footer Contents as well as Other Theme builder templates like 404,post,category,tag etc.. contents?

Step 10: How to Change Color using find and replace method and how to find css and js?

Full Demo Video with Sound

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