Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle Folder Structure

View Product

After Purchase you can found two files and download that files

Main Product  File :     Ultimate-Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle.zip
Supplementary Product File :     Ultimate-Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle Supplementary Product Files.zip

Product File : Ultimate-Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle.zip  Folder View

After unzip folder “Ultimate-Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle.zip” You can see below views.

You can also found Carousel  Setup File of JS and CSS  “IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Carousel .txt” ,”IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Product Short Description Code.txt” ,”IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Add to Cart Button Code .txt”

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle with 3600+ Styles & 35 Layouts Pack

Product File : Ultimate-Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle Supplementary Product Files.zip

After unzip folder “Divi-Modules-UI-Bundle Supplementary Product Files.zip” You can see below views.

You can also found Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle and layout pack Supplementary files.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


1. Where to find all styles json files?

Go to Supplementary Product Folder and SEE “All JSON Files” Folder

Using these json files you can easily upload on divi cloud.

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure

1[A]. How to import Carousel js and css files?

Go to Main Product Folder

and see “IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Carousel .txt”

Please check video in Documentation

if you have any query then contact us on diviproductsprofessional@gmail.com


2. Where to find all styles and Individual styles json files of each module?

Go to Main Product Folder and SEE “About Us & Intro Styles” Folder

In this folder you can see

“Individual About Us & Intro Styles” : You can see all Individual Styles

Divi Intro_About Us Style V1 to V64 All JSON : This is all 64 Styles of About Us & Intro Styles Json file.


Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure

Note : This way you can see all styles and Individual styles json files of each module

3. Where to find Blog Modules Styles?

Go to Main Product Folder and SEE “All Blog Modules”  Folder

4. Where to find All Blog Modules JSON Styles?

Go to Supplementary Product Folder and SEE “All JSON Files” Folder

In that folder SEE “All Blog Modules JSON.json” File

Using these json file you can easily upload on divi cloud.

5. Where to find Woo Modules Styles?

Go to Main Product Folder and SEE “All Woo Modules”  Folder

6. Where to find All Woo Modules JSON Styles?

Go to Supplementary Product Folder and SEE “All JSON Files” Folder

In that folder SEE “All Woo Modules JSON Part 1.json” and “All Woo Modules JSON Part 2.json” Files

Using these json file you can easily upload on divi cloud.

7. Where to find layout pack ?

Go to Supplementary Product Folder and SEE “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle”  and “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Supplementary Product Files” Folders.


For ““Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle”  Folder

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


For “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Supplementary Product Files” Folder

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


7. How to import layout pack ?

Go to Supplementary Product Folder and SEE “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle”  and “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Supplementary Product Files” Folders.


For “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle”  Folder

You can See “DiviBarber” Folder

In that Folder you can see below files

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


1. DiviBuilderLayouts_All_DiviBarber.json File : Import this file in divi library

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure

2. DiviThemeBuilderTemplates_DiviBarber.json : Import this file in divi theme buider

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure

3. license.txt : you can see images


For “Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Supplementary Product Files” Folder

You can See “DiviBarber_sup” Folder

In that Folder you can see below files

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure

For Posts.xml : Just import dummy data of posts

For Projects.xml : Just import dummy data of Projects

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


For widgets.wie

Install Wigdet Import Export Plugin

Link : https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-importer-exporter/

Ultimate Divi Modules UI Bundle and Ultimate Divi Layouts Pack Bundle Folder Structure


open widgets.wie file in notpad and copy code and just click on copy paste link and paste that code in text area and click on import widgets button.