1. Buy Plugin : DP Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

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Added Options Related Article By Tag, Related Article By Any Taxonomy/Category, Added 3 More style of Grid View,1 More style of Slider View, Added option “Display Excerpt” content ,”Display Read More” & “Read More Text”

2. There are three type of shortcode to display related posts.Grid,Slider,List View.

3. Use Code Module,Text Module,Default WordPress Editor or any other editor

4. Enabled/Disabled Related Article Section of Single Post & Single Custom Post Type Post Option

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

5. Grid :

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

6. List:

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts
7. Slider:

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts
8. Shortcode :

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

9. Others

How to add Related Articles of Any Custom Post Type Posts

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