Blog Detail Page Divi Deafult Features

1. If you don’t want to display “Author” or “Date” or “Categories” or “Comments” On Blog detail page then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Layout -> Single Post Layout -> Choose which items to display in the postinfo section.

2. If you don’t want to display “Comments” section On Blog detail page then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Layout -> Single Post Layout -> Show comments on posts

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

3. If you want to display ad banner on post then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Ads

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

4. If you want to add HTML or tracking code on post then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Integration -> Code Integration.

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Projects CPT Features

How to rename Project,Project Category & Project Tag label and frontend slug

Download code and paste on your child theme functions.php file.

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

How to Remove Project,Project Category & Project Tag

Download code and paste on your child theme functions.php file.