Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

– You can Create Creative Service Designs using divi module and Footer Designs Using Divi Module .

– 5 Free Style of Service Designs and 8 Footer Designs.

Steps for setup Service Designs

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Steps for setup Footer Designs

1. Download 8-Creative-Footer-Designs File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

5. Go to Theme Builder and Click on “Build Global Footer”.After click you can select “Add from Library”.

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Save and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Start Building Website Using Our Divi Products

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How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

– How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

– 5 Free Style of Person or Team Design.

Steps for setup Person or Team Design

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Create Creative Person Or Team Page Design Using Divi Team Members Plugin

To showcase your staff/employees/people on your website the easy way. You can quickly add members to your team(s), add their picture, position, bios, social links. What you see is what you get.
60 Different Layout Style for Team Members Module.
60 Different Layout Style for Team Members Grid Module.
Horizontal Team Members Module
Table Format Team Members Module
Team Member Slider Module

We are offering 10% OFF sale in Our Products!
Use the coupon code DP2020 at checkout!


How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

– You can Create Creative Service Designs using divi module.

– 5 Free Style of Service Designs.

Steps for setup Service Designs

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Start Building Website Using Our Divi Products

We are offering 10% OFF sale in Our Products!
Use the coupon code DP2020 at checkout!

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Blog Detail Page Divi Deafult Features

1. If you don’t want to display “Author” or “Date” or “Categories” or “Comments” On Blog detail page then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Layout -> Single Post Layout -> Choose which items to display in the postinfo section.

2. If you don’t want to display “Comments” section On Blog detail page then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Layout -> Single Post Layout -> Show comments on posts

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

3. If you want to display ad banner on post then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Ads

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

4. If you want to add HTML or tracking code on post then Go to Divi -> Theme Options-> Integration -> Code Integration.

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

Projects CPT Features

How to rename Project,Project Category & Project Tag label and frontend slug

Download code and paste on your child theme functions.php file.

Blog Detail Page Divi Feature & Rename/Remove Projects CPT Tutorial

How to Remove Project,Project Category & Project Tag

Download code and paste on your child theme functions.php file.

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

– You can use this Kenburns Effect on your divi website .

Steps for Kenburns Effect on Divi Fullwidth Slider Module

1. Download  CSS File.

2. Unzip file

3. Copy your Kenburns Effect css in kenburns.css file and paste on Divi -> Theme Options -> General -> Custom CSS

4. Below are classes which you have found in css

5.Add Full Width Section and Select Full Width Slider Module

6.Choose any one of class [ see point 4 ] & add on Advanced -> CSS Class and do others settings, see on images.

Select Advanced Tab

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

Add Class on CSS Class Field

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

Edit Slider Setting Icon

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

Use Parallax Effect

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module part 2

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module.

– You can use this Kenburns Effect on your divi website .

Steps for Kenburns Effect on Divi Fullwidth Slider Module

1. Download  CSS File.

2. Unzip file

3. Copy your Kenburns Effect css in kenburns.css file and paste on Divi -> Theme Options -> General -> Custom CSS

4. Below are classes which you have found in css

5.Add Full Width Section and Select Full Width Slider Module

6.Choose any one of class [ see point 4 ] & add on Advanced -> CSS Class and do others settings, see on images.

Select Advanced Tab

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module.

Add Class on CSS Class Field

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module.

Edit Slider Setting Icon

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module.

Use Parallax Effect

How to add Various Kenburns effects in divi fullwidth slider module.