Steps for setup Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar


1. Download Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar File.

2. Unzip file.

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

3. Import Box Hover Effect 6.json” , “Box Hover Effect 7.json”, “Box Hover Effect 8.json” , “Pricing Table Style5.json” , “Pricing Table Style6.json” , “Pricing Table Style7.json” , “Progress Bar Style5.json” , “Progress Bar Style6.json” and “Progress Bar Style7.json” file on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

4. After import both layout you can see in below

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

6.Select One of layout

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

7. After select layout

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

8. Add “part4.css” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

9. Publish Page and see on front end.

Box Hover Effect 6
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Box Hover Effect 7
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Box Hover Effect 8
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Pricing Table Effect 5
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Pricing Table Effect 6
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Pricing Table Effect 7
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Progress Bar Effect 5
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Progress Bar Effect 6
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

Progress Bar Effect 7
Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4

9. Edit Content on Text Module

Box Hover Effect & Pricing Table & Progress Bar Part4