Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

You can Create Creative Team,Testimonial,Blurb,Pricing Table and Footer Style Design using this JSON file.

Team Style

Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO/ Founder

Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO/ Founder

Mike Bryan

Mike Bryan

CEO/ Founder

Blurb Style


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Business Growth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Business Growth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Pricing Table Style

Testimonial Style

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

Mike Bryan

CEO/ Founder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

Mike Bryan

CEO/ Founder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Footer Style

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


3046 Isaacs Creek Road , IL ,Illinois


+(123) 456 7890 / +(123) 456 7890

Copyright © 2016-2020 Divi Professional. All rights reserved.
– You can Create Creative Team,Testimonial,Blurb,Pricing Table and Footer Style Design using this JSON file.

Steps for setup Service Designs

1. Download zip File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

6.Select One of layout

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

– You can Create Creative Service Designs using divi module and Footer Designs Using Divi Module .

– 5 Free Style of Service Designs and 8 Footer Designs.

Steps for setup Service Designs

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Steps for setup Footer Designs

1. Download 8-Creative-Footer-Designs File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

5. Go to Theme Builder and Click on “Build Global Footer”.After click you can select “Add from Library”.

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

Another 5 Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module with stunning hover effects and 8 Awesome Footer Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Save and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Start Building Website Using Our Divi Products

We are offering 10% OFF sale in Our Products!
Use the coupon code DP2020 at checkout!

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

– How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

– 5 Free Style of Person or Team Design.

Steps for setup Person or Team Design

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

How to Create Creative Person or Team Design Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Create Creative Person Or Team Page Design Using Divi Team Members Plugin

To showcase your staff/employees/people on your website the easy way. You can quickly add members to your team(s), add their picture, position, bios, social links. What you see is what you get.
60 Different Layout Style for Team Members Module.
60 Different Layout Style for Team Members Grid Module.
Horizontal Team Members Module
Table Format Team Members Module
Team Member Slider Module

We are offering 10% OFF sale in Our Products!
Use the coupon code DP2020 at checkout!


How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

– You can Create Creative Service Designs using divi module.

– 5 Free Style of Service Designs.

Steps for setup Service Designs

1. Download File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”
How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

How to Create Creative Service Designs Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS

Start Building Website Using Our Divi Products

We are offering 10% OFF sale in Our Products!
Use the coupon code DP2020 at checkout!

Creative 4 Divi Modules Design And Footer Style

How to overriding woocommerce templates in your divi child theme

If you use woocommerce plugin and your website is eCommerce with Divi then you can easily customize cart,checkout,shop,my account files via using create divi child theme.


1. Install Divi Theme.

2.. Install Woocommerce Plugin.

3. Create Divi Child Theme and Install.

Divi Professional

4. See woocommerce plugin structure.

Divi Professional

5. Overwrite Woo templates.
Open “templates” can see on below image.

Template files can be found within the /woocommerce/templates/ plugin directory:

Divi Professional

6. Overwrite these templates in your child theme.Create “woocommerce” folder in your child theme.
7. Example:
To override single product title

Same way you can overwrite others files.

See More Information Click Here

Download Woo Divi Child Theme

Woocommerce Resources

Best WordPress WooCommerce Plugins


WooCommerce Blog

Divi WooCommerce Blog

Divi Dream Tool

29 Custom Modules & DDT Tool More & Coming Soon

Build creative and amazing websites using DDT modules
Easily and quickly customize your divi websites and save time

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How to display social share icon in blog detail page or any detail page without any plugin

How to display social share icon in blog detail page or any detail page without any plugin

How to Use


Using Shortcode

Just add [DPSocialShare] shortcode in code or text module OR default editor.
This shortcode you can use blog detail page or any custom post type detail page.
This shortcode you can put anywhere on detail page.

Default Editor


Text Module


Code Module


Using Divi Template Hook

Hook : et_before_content

See Documentation and find single.php.



How to Use Code

– Download code is base on child theme.

– You can directly upload child theme. if you have alreay child theme then copy line 6 to line 17 line of functions.php and paste on your child theme functions.php at end.

– if you have alreay child theme then copy style of style.css and paste on your child theme style.css.


Divi Dream Tool

29 Custom Modules & DDT Tool More & Coming Soon

Build creative and amazing websites using DDT modules
Easily and quickly customize your divi websites and save time

Launching Sale 20% OFF

Use coupon code : DDT20

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