– You can use 6 module styles on your divi website.

– 6 Module Free Style

Steps for 6 Module styles

1. Download Module Layout Styles File.

2. Unzip files

3.Import Media and project xml file in Tools -> Import -> WordPress Import
Import Module Style1.json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout

5. Add New Page and Click on “Load Layout”

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout

6.Select Module Style1 of layout

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “allstyles.css” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS


Add Individual Style CSS

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout

Maxi Multipurpose Theme

Maxi is the very first Divi child theme that is truly multi purpose. It includes 26 different pages and 40 section layouts. Highly versatile and feature rich, Maxi is the ultimate tool for creating stunning and engaging websites no matter what niche you are targeting.

Maxi includes 26 different pages.

Maxi includes 40 unique and carefully crafted layouts:

  • 9 Team Sections
  • 8 Service Sections
  • 6 Portfolio Sections
  • 5 Testimonial Sections
  • 4 Pricing Sections
  • 3 Counter Sections
  • 3 Call To Action (CTA) Sections
  • 2 Accordion Sections


Hamburger menu
Animated page preloader
Custom 404 page
Social icons

Back to top button styles
One click theme color changes
One click installation

10 Styles Divi Modules Layout
10 Styles Divi Modules Layout