– You can Create Events Section Using Divi Module.

– 3 Free Style of Events.

Steps for setup Event Style

1. Download Events.zip File.

2. Unzip files

3. Import all styles json file on on Divi -> Divi Library -> Import & Export Button

Upcoming Event Section Using Divi Module  

4. After import layout json files you can see in below

Upcoming Event Section Using Divi Module

5. Add New Page and Click on “Add From Library”

Upcoming Event Section Using Divi Module

6.Select One of layout

Upcoming Event Section Using Divi Module

7. After select layout,Publish Page and see on front end after done below point 8.

8. Add “style1.css,style2.css…etc” file on your child theme and Enqueue your style using wordpress function wp_enqueue_style


Copy CSS from file and PASTE on Theme Option -> General -> Custom CSS